11th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting
Department of Romance Studies, University of Vienna
4-6 July 2016
We are happy to announce that the 11th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting will take place at the Department of Romance Studies of the University of Vienna on 04–06 July 2016. The meeting aims to bring together dialectologists working on any aspect of the syntax and/or morphology of the dialects of Italy (including non-Romance varieties) and encourages all approaches – whether synchronic or diachronic, descriptive or theoretical (all frameworks) – to the regional languages and dialects spoken throughout Italy. This year CIDSM will feature a thematic session on the High German dialects spoken in Italy in collaboration with Prof. Alexandra Lenz from the Department of German Studies.
The official languages of the meeting are English and Italian (English only for the thematic session).
The invited speakers of CIDSM11 are:
– Patrizia Cordin, Università di Trento
– Hans Goebl, Universität Salzburg
– Rosanna Sornicola, Università di Napoli Federico II
and for the thematic session:
– Alessandra Tomaselli, Università di Verona
University of Vienna
Universitätscampus AAKH,
Hof 8
Spitalgasse 2
A-1090 Vienna